Please join us for the
HAAPC Charity Volunteer Event
Wednesday, December 11th
5:00 - 7:00 pm
Organizing, sorting, and wrapping holiday gifts for Houston area CPS children.
Houston Location: TBA
BEAR… BE A Resource for CPS Kids offers help and hope for abused and neglected children and the caseworkers who protect them. BEAR is a unique public/private sector partnership that sponsors programs to support children under the care of CPS in Harris County.
BEAR helps abused and neglected children through the following four programs: • BEAR Necessities Giving children in the CPS system new clothes, shoes, and more to help normalize their lives. • Back to School Providing new school supplies and uniforms to help kids start the academic year. • BEARing Gifts Spreading holiday cheer by giving gifts to CPS kids during the holiday season. • BEAR Graduation Celebration Celebrating youth who have graduated from High School or obtained their GED.